Monday, November 3, 2014

Trick or Treat

We had an eventful Halloween season. Davis aka Batman LOVED his costume and wore it all over the place (including nap time). We decided this is way better than when he hated his tiger costume last year. Andie had cat ears to be Cat Woman, but it was cold and she dressed up as a bundled up cute baby girl instead. Halloween is also farming season so we actually tried trick or treating on Main Street in Waverly because Andrew was home that night. It was very busy!
Before all the pretty leaves fall we took a couple walks to get the mail. Miss Andie and her mom all snuggled up.

Davis playing in the woods.

Davis and Andrew enjoying the beautiful weather and pretty leaves.

Miss Andie is two months old already! My how she has grown! 11 pounds and 22 1/2 inches.

Harleigh, Davis and Cadence

Sunday, October 26th was trick or treating in Readlyn. Grandma Norma watched Andie so I could take Davis to a couple of houses. I think he had more fun sitting on the Regenold porch handing out candy with these two cuties!

October 30, 2014 
Getting ready to walk around Main Street Waverly.

Batman was so excited that he was skipping from shop to shop. :) At least he had fun!

Andrew and Andie all bundled up. She was such a good girl as we walked around for an hour.

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