Monday, November 3, 2014

Andie's Baptism

We were so blessed to have so many family members able to come to celebrate with us Sunday. Andie was baptized at Orchard Hill Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Thank you to everyone for taking time for us!

Great Grandma Miriam                     Great Grandma Duffy

Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma with four out of five grandkids. Anxious to meet the newest member- Izaak!

Schulz Cousins Davis 2.5, Scarlett 2.5, Brock 1, and Andie 2 months

Westendorf Cousins- Davis 2.5, Gavin 4, AJ 7, and Andie 2 months

Uncle Shannon and Aunt Amanda smiling with their Goddaughter.

We made the tv screen! Andie being baptized.

Who is this crazy bunch? Aunt Missy, Aunt Chelle, and Uncle Sawyer.

Andrew, Davis, Andie and Stephanie
Not very often we can get all four of us dressed up. 

Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Steve smile with Andie. Miss Andie wearing my old baptism gown. 

Great Grandpa Gerold and Great Grandma Harriet

Oops! I forgot the picture of Andie with Grandma Norma and Grandpa Kevin. Sorry! 

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