Friday, June 20, 2014

Westendorf Family Reunion

Uncle Scott brought some baseball gear for the boys to play with. Davis had fun hitting the ball off the tee.  June 14, 2014

June 13, 2014
We went to visit some goats at Ginna's farm. Davis wanted to chase the goats but they did NOT like that. (Grandma Norma, Davis and Ginna pictured)

Davis and Uncle Samir checking out some more baby goats.

Davis pulling a friend around Grump Days in his wagon.

 Parade time...

The Westendorf float...

 These three had a whole farm to play on and they climb into the back of the Berscheid minivan!

June 15, 2014 
We tried to get a family picture with a VERY exhausted two-year-old. 

Great Grandma Duffy, Grandma Norma and Davis on the lawnmower.

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