Friday, June 20, 2014

Westendorf Family Reunion

Uncle Scott brought some baseball gear for the boys to play with. Davis had fun hitting the ball off the tee.  June 14, 2014

June 13, 2014
We went to visit some goats at Ginna's farm. Davis wanted to chase the goats but they did NOT like that. (Grandma Norma, Davis and Ginna pictured)

Davis and Uncle Samir checking out some more baby goats.

Davis pulling a friend around Grump Days in his wagon.

 Parade time...

The Westendorf float...

 These three had a whole farm to play on and they climb into the back of the Berscheid minivan!

June 15, 2014 
We tried to get a family picture with a VERY exhausted two-year-old. 

Great Grandma Duffy, Grandma Norma and Davis on the lawnmower.

JD and Courtney's Wedding

What a good looking couple (Grandpa Steve and Grandma Sheila)!!!

Uncle Seth and Aunt Melissa smiling for the camera.

Nothing but TROUBLE! It is hard to get these two standing still in one spot and smiling for the camera.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Hackenmiller with the great grandchildren.

A Trip to the Zoo

Ok, I know I have a lot of catching up to do but with leaves on the trees the internet at home isn't reliable and won't let me upload pictures.  :/  One of the many beauties of living in the woods.
June 4-8 Andrew took a trip to Colorado to go running in the mountains, so Davis, Grandma Sheila and I visited Uncle Shannon, Aunt Amanda and Cousins Scarlett and Brock.

June 5, 2014 Como Zoo
I would call this a hug but Andrew would call this a headlock. Either way, these two love spending time together.

Amanda, Scarlett, Davis and I looking at all the fish in the tunnel.

Good thing he inherited his daddy's map reading skills to help us get around.

Grandma Sheila and Brock made this picture... there were some monkeys putting on a show for us.

Pure excitement!

Big fish from the Amazon... scary!