Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a very busy weekend.  Davis enjoyed his time playing with his family.

Grandma Sheila and Davis went sledding down our driveway on Friday.  Not sure who had more fun doing that.

Davis's daddy and mommy also took a turn on the sled.  We will be busy this winter sliding down our hills.

Uncle Scott and Cousin Gavin laughed along with Davis at crazy videos.  Children's laughter is so contagious.
We went to the Christmas Tree Farm (Wapsie Pines) to get a tree for Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma.  The boys were a little apprehensive about Santa Clause.  Davis did tell him he'd like a tractor for Christmas.

Set up our Christmas tree at home.  Davis even helped put some ornaments on the tree (never mind that he took off and put on the same ornament about 12 times).

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