Friday, December 13, 2013

Packers Game Weekend

Davis and his mom went to Grandpa Steven and Grandma Sheila's house for the weekend.  Davis's Daddy made a trip to Green Bay Wisconsin to watch the Green Bay Packers play football.

It was a cold day to watch football, but they had fun regardless.  
Aunt Bie, Gpa Kevin, Andrew (Daddy) and Gma Norma

Kevin smiling before the game begins.

Andrew standing by the Donald Driver statue.  I guess he was thinking of us back in Iowa.  I sure miss seeing Donald's smile on game day.  

Aunt Melissa and Davis looking at the deer going across the field. Yes, that is Belle watching as well. :)

Davis sure loves his new hat from Daddy.  He had to wear it for breakfast on Monday morning.  

Davis loves his new bathroom! His Daddy has been busy for many weekends finishing this.  We are thankful for all the help we had from others.  Who knew I married a furniture maker?!  
Davis wants to climb his step stool and brush his teeth or wash his hands about 25 times a day.  

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