Monday, December 30, 2013

Sledding Minnesota Style

December 28, 2013
We took a trip to visit the Berscheid family in St. Michaels, MN.  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed some time sledding down their hills.
The boys ready for some fun!

Davis going down the big scary hill with Uncle Scott and Gavin tagging behind him.  :)

Grandpa Kevin and Davis flying through the snow.

Christmas Eve

Right before we headed off to Great Grandpa and Grandma's house everyone sat down for a family picture.  Good thing too, because minutes later we had a sippy cup malfunction and milk spilled all over Davis's outfit.  Look at how big our little boy is getting. 
December 24, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Davis made almond bark dipped pretzels with his mom.  He was a mess after we got done, his clothes, face and his mom's clothes had lots of white smeared all over.

Davis had a busy weekend and got to see many great grandparents, but we only got the camera out for one of them.  On Saturday, he helped Grandma Norma and Great Grandma Duffy frost cookies.  On Sunday, Grandpa Steven. Great Grandpa Gerold and Great Grandma Harriet surprised us with a visit.  Later on, Great Grandma Miriam come over for some soup. 

Davis and Great Grandma Miriam looked at her calendar.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Packers Game Weekend

Davis and his mom went to Grandpa Steven and Grandma Sheila's house for the weekend.  Davis's Daddy made a trip to Green Bay Wisconsin to watch the Green Bay Packers play football.

It was a cold day to watch football, but they had fun regardless.  
Aunt Bie, Gpa Kevin, Andrew (Daddy) and Gma Norma

Kevin smiling before the game begins.

Andrew standing by the Donald Driver statue.  I guess he was thinking of us back in Iowa.  I sure miss seeing Donald's smile on game day.  

Aunt Melissa and Davis looking at the deer going across the field. Yes, that is Belle watching as well. :)

Davis sure loves his new hat from Daddy.  He had to wear it for breakfast on Monday morning.  

Davis loves his new bathroom! His Daddy has been busy for many weekends finishing this.  We are thankful for all the help we had from others.  Who knew I married a furniture maker?!  
Davis wants to climb his step stool and brush his teeth or wash his hands about 25 times a day.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a very busy weekend.  Davis enjoyed his time playing with his family.

Grandma Sheila and Davis went sledding down our driveway on Friday.  Not sure who had more fun doing that.

Davis's daddy and mommy also took a turn on the sled.  We will be busy this winter sliding down our hills.

Uncle Scott and Cousin Gavin laughed along with Davis at crazy videos.  Children's laughter is so contagious.
We went to the Christmas Tree Farm (Wapsie Pines) to get a tree for Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma.  The boys were a little apprehensive about Santa Clause.  Davis did tell him he'd like a tractor for Christmas.

Set up our Christmas tree at home.  Davis even helped put some ornaments on the tree (never mind that he took off and put on the same ornament about 12 times).

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend with the Schulz Family

The family surprised Shannon by driving to his house for the weekend.  
 Saturday morning the boys went pheasant hunting.  We heard many stories, but not sure which to believe. :)

 Grandma Sheila, Grandpa Steven, Scarlett, Brock & Davis pose for a picture.  Not sure if it was harder to get the kids to look or grandpa.  You can tell Grandma is loving life right now.  

Grandma Sheila, Scarlett & Davis reading in Scarlett's big girl room.   It isn't very often that you can get both of the wild children to sit for a story.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

One More...

Here is one more video of Davis "negotiating" with the refs.  Check out his hand motions.  Definitely didn't learn this from his Mommy!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Just Like Grandpa and Daddy

I think this is a bad sign... Maybe grandpa and daddy should do less yelling during football games.  

November 10, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rrrr! Says the Tiger

This tiger sure has a scary Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!   (Nothing a little pacifier and discovery of his tail can't solve.)  Hope he is loving his costume by Halloween.  
October 19, 2013

Ride in Grandpa's Combine

Davis and Grandpa Kevin picking corn.  Not sure which boy likes the combine more.  :)

October 12, 2013

Stock Chopping

Thanks Uncle Seth for letting Davis ride in the tractor with you.  One thing is for sure, Davis LOVES farming!  Maybe he will be taking over his mom's unloading job sooner than we think.  Seth even let him drive the tractor on the way back!  
Uncle Seth, Grandma Sheila, and Davis
October 19, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our Little Climber

Last week Davis was shown how to climb the ladder at the playground.  This week he can do it all on his own.  He gets so excited when he gets to the top.  I guess I have to remember that he isn't a baby anymore.  :(

October 1, 2013

Maiden Voyage

Andrew was SO proud of Davis when he started to show some interest in his Glider.  Last night he went up and down the hallway several times.  Maybe that's why he slept so well.
October 3, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Davis's Animal Noises

Although he isn't speaking a lot of words Davis knows almost all his animal noises.  This is something we are very proud of! :)
Septemeber 19, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Last Wedding of the Year Continued...

Cousins Scarlett and Davis are enjoying the popcorn and M & Ms provided before supper.  

All the sugar gave them enough energy to get their groove on...

September 14, 2013

Last Wedding of the year...

Eric and Traci Rosenbaum had a great day for a wedding.  Here is the family smiling after the ceremony.

Grandma Sheila and Davis are enjoying Sweet Tooth's new cupcake... Monster!  Let's just say that Monster Davis loved the Monster Cupcake.  
September 14, 2013

Otter Creek Adventure

Otter Creek Orchard
Mona, Iowa
Looking all official with my apple bag on- picking from our Honey Crisp tree.

Davis helping Grandma Sheila pick out the second hand apples.

Wow, look at that apple!

Such a big boy and an even bigger help!
How do you like these apples?
September 14, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One Last Mississippi Trip

Davis played on a sand bar for hours.  He was having a lot of fun making big piles.

And a lot of fun eating sand?  

Davis played so hard he fell asleep standing up in the boat.  This is the best cooperation we have had from him taking a family picture in a long time.

Davis enjoying a quick snack as we look over the Mississippi River.

It looks like Grandpa Kevin is also enjoying his day on the river.

September 7, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Schulz/ Brackey Wedding Continued...

After looking over my last post I saw that I didn't put a family picture on there.  This was as good as it got on Saturday because not everyone wanted to cooperate at the same time.  :)  We had fun and were thankful to spend the evening with so much family and friends!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Schulz/ Brackey Wedding

August 24, 2013
We had a busy weekend with wedding festivities.  It was a beautiful day.  We couldn't be more happy for Seth and Melissa!

If you click on this link you can watch a video of Scarlett and Davis walking down the aisle!

Davis liked the bubbles.  Apparently he liked the taste of them too.  :)

Davis wasn't in the mood for pictures he wanted to run around and dance.

I know we can't choose who our siblings are but I got pretty lucky.

Look at the three boys watching Scarlett and Davis walk down the aisle.  :)

These three don't look anything alike.  ;)  Grandpa Kevin, Andrew, and Davis

Finally time to enjoy the evening!  Don't they look spectacular?

Davis and Grandma Sheila after the ceremony.  Looks like they are both pretty happy!

Davis out on the dance floor with his cousin Scarlett.

I think they got their moves from Grandpa Steven.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Melissa's Bachelorette Party

It isn't very often that all four girls are together.  We spent the afternoon tanking and tubing on the river for Melissa's bachelorette party.  I'm pretty sure Amanda is squatting to make us look taller.  :)

Davis and his Cousin Scarlett took a bath in Grandma Schulz's sink.  These two love splashing in the water- too much adorable for this sink.

Scarlett wants to hug and kiss her cousin so much, but he plays tough to get.

Looks like grandma had her hands full!

August 3, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Best Buddies

These two are quite the pair.  Glad they can entertain each other for a little while.  :)