Thursday, December 17, 2015

Magical Moments!

We were surprised to see Santa Clause checking in on our kids last night. Davis's eyes were as big as saucers because he was being good! He was wondering if he could open his presents now. He was also worried Belle might get one of the reindeer.  :) Andie (who just started to say "Mamma") has now mastered "Santa" and "Ho, ho, ho".  She kept going to the window and pointing, "Santa, ho, ho, ho!" It certainly was magical! 
December 16, 2015
After all the craziness, we got to sit by the fire and hangout. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Prepping for Christmas!

Time to cut down a tree for the Westendorf Farm. Davis and Grandpa Kevin are checking this one out.

I'd say Davis is excited about this tree. 

Frosting cookies at Readlyn's Christmas celebration. December 4, 2015

Davis and Andie playing with the lights. We sure do love these two kiddos!
December 6, 2015

Grandma Norma giving Davis an egg cracking lesson. (Davis's first egg ended up on the floor.)

Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma took Davis to Cedar Falls to celebrate Christmas. I hope they had as much fun as Davis did! He told me that he snuck up on the Grinch and scared him! Such a magical time of the year!
December 3, 2015

The Puppies Are Here!

The puppies are playful now, but not quite biting. That makes this a perfect time to visit with the kids! Davis is wondering which one he gets to take home. Sorry buddy, not happening!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wedding Video

Although we were a little sad Andie didn't walk down the aisle, these three were so adorable! I love how Scarlett is very proper in this video. She is in her element up there. Davis and Scarlett were convinced they were the ones getting married. I wish these kids got to see each other more often, because they have so much fun together! Brock's facial expressions are priceless! ;)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Schulz/ Noble Wedding Weekend

Davis was practicing his dance moves. He wanted to impress "His Chelle" on her big day! Impressive??
Andie and her mommy have matching toenails! Don't look too close, I paint like a kindergartener!

One of the newest members of the family, Miss Olivia. Looking good!

The man of the day, Sawyer!

Grandpa Schulz and I smile for a selfie! 

Andrew and his little girl. Don't they look so nice? (Andie and Scarlett's dresses were made from Grandma Sheila's wedding dress. They turned out perfect!)

Grandma Sheila and Amanda get Brock ready for the big ceremony.

Four generations here- Great Grandma Rita, Grandma Sheila, Momma Stephanie and Andie. Priceless!

Ceremony is over and it's time to celebrate Michelle and Sawyer! We don't get a picture of the two of us very often. LOVE!

Shannon with his sweet moves...

Honored to be part of their big day! Hugs and kisses to this beautiful bride and handsome groom!

Here we are… all four Schulz siblings. I wouldn't change one thing about growing up with these boys!

Then, my brothers married these amazing girls… So many blessings in our family!

It's getting late and Davis is about ready to hit the hay. One last dance with his Grandma Sheila.

Wow, my mom looks amazing! You are an inspiration to me and I am proud to call you Mom!

Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures at the reception. There are some pictures missing in here. I didn't get a good one of Davis and his tie with suspenders. I didn't get any of Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma who helped us out tremendously! Regardless, it was a beautiful day and now we are ready for a nap! ;)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fall is Here!

"The New Playground" as Davis calls it is still a big hit around here. These two love to swing, climb and eat dirt together! 

Fall is farming season. Grandma Norma gave Andie her first tractor ride ever. She was very impressed with all the distractions! October 4, 2015

Grandpa Kevin and Daddy decided she needed a combine ride too. 

Davis loves farming and he loves his dad. This is what the perfect day looks like to Davis. Turns out the tractor and combine are a perfect place for a nap too!

Here is a sneak peek at the two super heroes we have in our house!
So much fun and so much love!!! October 9, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


As a parent, there are many moments that melt our hearts. Last night was one of those moments. I'm starting to see that my children may have the Westendorf music within them. Davis will even "sing" at church when the rest of the congregation is singing. This makes me so excited!
Andie loves to dance to every kind of music, even her brother singing. We often have breakout dance sessions at home. This is what one may look like.

Davis thought it would be fun to put on old Halloween costumes that are clearly too small for him. He wouldn't wear either of these when I wanted him to. I enjoy listening to his songs he learns at preschool. He will sing them almost anywhere. You really have to listen to hear the words, but he has the rhythm or something like that down. ;)
September 28, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

A New Park!

Davis and Andie got a playset this weekend! Thanks to everyone who helped us out and kept it a surprise.  I don't think Davis knew what to think of it when he first saw it. Last night, he told me that his dad had built it for him. I'm not sure how dad always get the credit, but I'm happy he likes it. He tells people it's a new park and it is his park! :) Sorry neighbors, Davis hasn't figured out that the telescope is a telescope and not a megaphone.

Monday, August 17, 2015

End of summer fun!

One last trip to the Mississippi River before I go back to school. Thankfully our kids love to be on the boat and in the water!
Andrew and Andie hanging out in the water.
Andie gives me this look often. I'm not sure who she gets it from.

With my two favorite kids on the sandbar. Loving life!!!

Break Away Days in Denver
Thankfully, Grandpa and Grandma came to help with the kids while we watched the parade. Andrew was in the parade with the wrestlers. Then, Grandpa and Grandma took Andie so Davis could do some big boy activities. He had so much fun! Doesn't he look like a natural on the horse? 

The next day we went up to St. Ansgar to do some more activities in the water. 
When did my boy become a big boy and want to tube by himself? :( Time flies by with these kids!
Bothe kids got to ride on a Jet Ski. I'm pretty sure they loved it. Grandma said they both sang while she drove.