Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hop, hop, hop

Busy Easter Weekend for our family. Andrew took a couple of days off work, so we got to spend extra time with him! Lots of family, friends and fun!
This is as close as we could get to a family picture. :) 

Of course Davis cooperates after his dad isn't in the house any more (and he has some fruit snacks). 

Davis sure loves his Belle. He is giving her a hug before he goes up to St. Ansgar.

Cruising around HyVee with his shades on. (Honking at all the other customers to watch out for his crazy mother/ grandmother driver.)

Silly Michelle and Missy playing with Mr. Potato Head. Wait, that's Davis with the mustache!

Pull up contest. Uncle Sawyer was the definite winner; Davis in close second.

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