Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Park Time with Grandma Norma

April 22, 2014
The weather was nice so we took Grandma Norma for a walk into the Readlyn Park.  We were gone for two hours, but it is never long enough for Davis.

This boy is such a cheeser!

He has become quite the dare devil, no longer going down the little slides.

Not sure if he looks more like his daddy or his Cousin Gavin in this picture.

Hop, hop, hop

Busy Easter Weekend for our family. Andrew took a couple of days off work, so we got to spend extra time with him! Lots of family, friends and fun!
This is as close as we could get to a family picture. :) 

Of course Davis cooperates after his dad isn't in the house any more (and he has some fruit snacks). 

Davis sure loves his Belle. He is giving her a hug before he goes up to St. Ansgar.

Cruising around HyVee with his shades on. (Honking at all the other customers to watch out for his crazy mother/ grandmother driver.)

Silly Michelle and Missy playing with Mr. Potato Head. Wait, that's Davis with the mustache!

Pull up contest. Uncle Sawyer was the definite winner; Davis in close second.

Friday, April 4, 2014

We have ultrasound pictures!

Time does go by faster with the second one! We went to our 20 week appointment as a family. Davis really enjoyed watching the heart pump and listening to it beat. 

The baby was opening and closing his/her mouth and we told Davis he/she was talking to him. Now when we ask him what the baby does he opens and closes his mouth.  :) 

Andrew is pointing at the heart on the monitor. When it was time to leave Davis started crying because he didn't want to leave "his baby".  He cried, "My baby!"  Andrew and I showed him that we still had the baby and pictures he could carry.  It was a very special day for our family; we are truly blessed!!!
April 3, 2014