Monday, September 10, 2018

First Day of School!

Where has time gone? Davis is heading into 1st grade. Andie is starting preschool. They are ready... hope their teachers are too!

Andrew would like to point out that he doesn't take these first day pictures because he works EVERYDAY! :) This is so true!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spring is here?

March 22, 2018 
Davis fell off a hoover board and broke his arm. This kid was so brave throughout the whole process. He hates the sling and all the attention a cast brings, but swings it around at home like a shield. 

March 26 We had Easter in STA. Before we went for some fun at Great Grandpa and Grandma's we colored eggs with cousins. We made pinatas for Easter (aka Mom made pinatas). Watching them swing at it helped me see it was worth all the time. :) Pretty sure they swing like their mom. 


Andie has been busy with Tumbling Tots this month. She is really enjoying rolling around and playing with kids her age. When did she grow up??

We received a monster snow storm and got anywhere from 13-16 inches of snow (depending on who you ask). I am glad the kids got to build snowmen with Dani.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Winter of Wrestling and Gymnastics

Davis started wrestling in some tournaments this year. He has improved SO much and enjoys going to wrestle! He has been very lucky to have grandparents come watch him!
Davis and Grandma Sheila at the Denver Wrestling Club Tournament.

At the Wapsie wrestling tournament Davis wrestled like a champ! He even wrestled one of his good buddies from Wapsie!

Davis has LOTS of coaches! Andrew is a big part of the Denver Wrestling Club, and Mr. Shedenhelm helps Davis at school. :) 

Andie started gymnastic this winter. She LOVED it! I think it made her feel special to have her own practice to go to. 

These two have grown up so much this year!