Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lots of Outdoor Fun!

This is one of our favorite places to be.. the Jeep.  However, it is exhausting!

Grandpa Steve finally took us out in the boat. We really enjoyed a ride and Davis even caught a fish! He was super excited about this, and giggled about Uncle Sawyer falling into the water to help reel it in. :) 

Grandma Norma and Davis took a stroll down the bike trail. Davis rode with her for two miles! When did he get so big?

Blowing seeds and bubbles... we sure love being outside!

 Bears, they are hunting Grizzly Bears. There is all sorts of wildlife in our woods!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Swimming Lesson Videos

Both kids passed swimming lessons! We are ready to have our nights free again. The kids are SO tired. Davis even fell asleep on our way to lessons one night. They did love the slide and I am thankful Andrew went in the pool with them half the nights!