Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Prom, Outdoor Fires, and Jeep Rides... nice weather is here!

April 23, 2016
Rachel's senior prom and Davis got to stand beside her. Doesn't she look beautiful? Davis calls her Princess Rachel when she is dressed up like this. We are so blessed to have her in our lives! Andie wouldn't smile for the pictures (shocking). However, she was NOT going to be left out and had to dress up like the big kids. She also had to wear her brother's old cowboy boots. 

Rachel brought them back Kitty Sophie and Kitty Buckwheat. The kids won't let these things leave their side. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Weekend at home means time for a Jeep ride. :) 

After a nice long nap, these two got scores! They were a big hit!

Night two of swimming lessons went MUCH better than night one. Andie was excited tonight and let Daddy take her in the water. 

Davis is checking out his sister, making sure she is listening to the teacher. :)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Spring Time Fun!

Andrew is reading to her and she is reading to him. I'm going to miss these sweet moments. 
April 20, 2016

Rain, rain go away! It was raining and these two had LOTS of energy. We ended up at the elementary gym to burn some fuel!

Can you tell the kids like to play the Jaws theme song at bath time. :) 

Jeep rides have officially started!!! On Saturday we packed into the Jeep and headed out for a burger in Cedar Falls. Both kids fell asleep! They have been asking for another ride everyday since then. :) Davis calls it "his Jeep" and Andie says, "No, Dadda's Jeep!"
April 14, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Break

We were busy this spring break, even though the weather was not very "springy". 

With the help of many, I painted the basement. Andrew framed one of our favorite maps to hang up. Andrew wasn't sure how he felt about framing a map. (He thinks it means he's done traveling there.) Since his family is always pulling them out to talk about I thought it would be easier to find if it was hanging on the wall. ;)

One of the days Grandma Norma came with us to see Ginna's baby goats. The kids loved feeding them, but didn't like when they jumped. 

Maybe Grandma and Grandpa should get a couple of baby goats on their farm. :)

On another day, we surprised Grandma Sheila at work! Seth, Olivia, Davis, Andie and myself brought her pizza for lunch. She was surprised and didn't want us to leave!

I got my baby fix by feeding Olivia. She is such cutie!

As always, there was a lot of dancing going on at our house. It makes us smile when the kids get into their dance moves. Despite the fact we were busy over spring break every night when I asked Davis what he was thankful for on that day it was always the people we saw. Makes us count our blessings to have so many cool people in our lives.