Monday, December 19, 2016

December... Christmas is in the Air!

All our online Christmas shopping left us with LOTS of boxes! We have put them to good use by coloring and hiding in them. ;)

Here are the two kids in front of our tree, wearing Christmas Pajamas. I tried to get a nice one and they BEGGED to do a silly one. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

50 Mile Run/ DC Trip

Andrew ran his very first 50 miler just outside DC. He had his own little cheer squad to help him along the way. We were VERY proud of him!

Andrew, Davis and Andie before the race.

Davis, Andie and I waiting for Andrew at 15 miles. (It was cold up in the mountains.)

Grandma Norma, Izaak, Andie and Grandpa Kevin cheering Andrew on.

Go Pack Go! It was a chilly, but fun night cheering on the Packers.

Davis holding his new baby cousin Eva. :)

Look at these dinosaur bones! 

Andie and Ryder became close friends on this trip. :) I believe Andie loves her cousin Eva. She wanted to hold her the whole time. ;)

Air and space museum was fun for the kids.

Posing by the United States Capital. 

 This was a new monument for me to see. Fun to see it in person after reading the book Flags of our Fathers.

The Lincoln Memorial. Andie fell asleep in the stroller and missed out on this one. 

Look at that view! Washington Monument and the Reflection Pool in the background.

Grandpa Kevin and Davis pose by the Vietnam Memorial. This is a wall of all the names of soldiers we lost during the war. 

Davis smiles as we look at the WWII memorial. 

Here is the white house!!!

The kids pose by the Washington Monument. It sure is big. Andie was disappointed the big pencil wasn't purple. :)

Another new one for me, MLK Monument. 

Thanksgiving morning Andrew, Andie and I went for a jog on the mall. It sure is a beautiful scene.

Closing smiles from Izaak. He sure knows how to make us giggle!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Apple Orchard

We were VERY sad this year because our apple orchard froze and didn't have a crop. So, we decided to take a car ride with some family and friends to visit Gays Mills. What a fun adventure!!!
October 2, 2016


The views are BEAUTIFUL (our expressions, not so much)! 

Good apples indeed! :)

Grandma Sheila and the kids. 

Stop #12ish??? Giant fish at Prairie.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Back to School Routines

We are FINALLY starting to settle into a back to school routine. It has taken me a while to update because I have forgotten how busy life is when I am working. :) 
Here are a few things we have been up to...
Andie wants to be just like her brother. She put her helmet on all by herself and is working on her biking skills. Davis continues to amaze us (and scare his mother) with his balance and stamina!

It is always sweet to have ice cream at the Sweet Spot, but even better when Grandma and Grandpa join us!

We have to keep our eyes on Andie and Grandpa, they like to get into trouble!

Our family was blessed with a BEAUTIFUL niece, Collyns Marie Schulz. We are so excited for the adventures to come with this sweet pea!

Andie is at that stage when smiling looks like it hurts. :) 

Finally, we had TWO painted turtles for a couple of weeks. Davis was sad to let them go, but they are swimming in our pond now. 
We are busy, but so thankful we have this time to spend as a family!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer Fun

Yes, it has been a long time since I updated this blog. We have been SO busy with our summer fun. Here is a quick look at what we have been up to...

Andrew and I took a trip of a lifetime to St. Thomas. It was such a beautiful trip and we enjoyed every moment of it.

One of our highlights this summer is Davis learning how to ride his bike without training wheels. Andrew and I are very proud of this boy! When did my baby get so big?

We have been on the water A LOT this summer. Our friends came to the Mississippi River to boat one day. These two boys are going to be TROUBLE!

We also boated on Clear Lake over the 4th. It was a cool 4th of July, so Sawyer let Grandma and Davis wear his shirt. ;) 

If you asked Davis his favorite thing so far it would be Wisconsin Dells. We went with the Schulz gang and had a lot of fun!

Andie and Aunt Chelle splashing in the water. Davis and Scarlett being silly (like usual)! :) 

Grandpa Steve's biggest fan, Miss Andie!