Thursday, December 17, 2015

Magical Moments!

We were surprised to see Santa Clause checking in on our kids last night. Davis's eyes were as big as saucers because he was being good! He was wondering if he could open his presents now. He was also worried Belle might get one of the reindeer.  :) Andie (who just started to say "Mamma") has now mastered "Santa" and "Ho, ho, ho".  She kept going to the window and pointing, "Santa, ho, ho, ho!" It certainly was magical! 
December 16, 2015
After all the craziness, we got to sit by the fire and hangout. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Prepping for Christmas!

Time to cut down a tree for the Westendorf Farm. Davis and Grandpa Kevin are checking this one out.

I'd say Davis is excited about this tree. 

Frosting cookies at Readlyn's Christmas celebration. December 4, 2015

Davis and Andie playing with the lights. We sure do love these two kiddos!
December 6, 2015

Grandma Norma giving Davis an egg cracking lesson. (Davis's first egg ended up on the floor.)

Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma took Davis to Cedar Falls to celebrate Christmas. I hope they had as much fun as Davis did! He told me that he snuck up on the Grinch and scared him! Such a magical time of the year!
December 3, 2015

The Puppies Are Here!

The puppies are playful now, but not quite biting. That makes this a perfect time to visit with the kids! Davis is wondering which one he gets to take home. Sorry buddy, not happening!