Tuesday, September 29, 2015


As a parent, there are many moments that melt our hearts. Last night was one of those moments. I'm starting to see that my children may have the Westendorf music within them. Davis will even "sing" at church when the rest of the congregation is singing. This makes me so excited!
Andie loves to dance to every kind of music, even her brother singing. We often have breakout dance sessions at home. This is what one may look like.

Davis thought it would be fun to put on old Halloween costumes that are clearly too small for him. He wouldn't wear either of these when I wanted him to. I enjoy listening to his songs he learns at preschool. He will sing them almost anywhere. You really have to listen to hear the words, but he has the rhythm or something like that down. ;)
September 28, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

A New Park!

Davis and Andie got a playset this weekend! Thanks to everyone who helped us out and kept it a surprise.  I don't think Davis knew what to think of it when he first saw it. Last night, he told me that his dad had built it for him. I'm not sure how dad always get the credit, but I'm happy he likes it. He tells people it's a new park and it is his park! :) Sorry neighbors, Davis hasn't figured out that the telescope is a telescope and not a megaphone.