Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Andrew and I had a night without kids. We took the Jeep to Cedar Falls- the farthest it has been since we bought it!
June 3, 2015

A fun date at the park with our friends! June 4, 2015

Miss Andie loves to play outside.

These two are about 6 weeks apart. Mr. Izaak is quite a bit bigger though. Andie doesn't let that stop her, she just crawls on him like her brother does to her. 

 Davis holding the baby goat. They were only 3 days old!

 Grump Days 2015. Waiting for the parade with some of our favorite girls! Looking good with our faces painted!

She is a daddy's girl for sure!!!

I think Grandpa Steve is loving spending time with his little twin!

Our little super hero!

 Playing in the puddles after a nice rain. Thanks for the boots Grandma!

 Gentlemen of the Road Festival- Mumford and Sons made this weekend amazing! 
June 19-20

While we were playing at the festival the kids were playing with Grandpa and Grandma!

Davis snuggling with his buddy Missy.

Chelle and Sawyer playing with Scarlett.

Here are a couple videos of our crazy life...
Davis at Grump Days Parade.

Grandpa Kevin swinging Andie.

Uncle Sawyer helping us with a science experiment.