Thursday, March 26, 2015

Silly Time

I haven't posted any videos lately, so here is one of Davis singing Happy Birthday to Aunt Erica. Just ignore the ketchup on his face (he LOVES that red stuff)! The other video is of our happy girl. These giggles melt my heart!

March 25, 2015


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break Time!

We were SO excited to get outside and play in the sun! Andie got a tricycle from Grandpa and Grandma for Christmas. Andrew put it together, so we could try it out! What a big girl!

Davis is excited to have a partner in crime. Safe to say he is still faster than her.

Not sure who was more excited to get the Jeep out, but these two boys got in a ride. I was just glad they came back home!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! From our two leprechauns!

We went to an indoor watermark for spring break. There are no tan lines to show off, but it was nice to get away for a night. I love the look on Davis and Andrew's faces. 

Even Andie and I got a picture while we waited for the pool to open.

Davis played and played in the water, but he wasn't  fan of the slides. ;)

Andie looks so serious!

Andie kicked and watched Davis the whole time we were in the pool. Davis loves to entertain us. 

We even drove to Scarlett's house and played with them for a couple of days. Lots of noise when these two are around!

Davis does love the song "Let it Go". When he hears it he says, "My song!" Glad we can play with Scarlett's karaoke machine and then go home! :)

Spring break March 14-22

Monday, March 9, 2015

March Madness in the Westendorf House

We went back to St. Ansgar for a family wedding. It isn't often that all four of us are dressed up.
Momma and her big boy!

Of course we have to take some time to play on Grandpa Steve's toys. He put tracks on his Ranger and the trees looked so beautiful. Davis is a CrAzY driver!

 One of Davis (and his dad's) favorite things is to wrestle. Andie actually loves to watch the boys when they are goofing around.

Look at how big our baby is getting!

March 2nd- Monday smiles from these two.

Davis loves Tootsie, Mrs. Zaputil's class pet. (We couldn't get Sherbet out because she is shedding.)
March 5, 2015

When we woke up March 8th, the trees were white. We decided to go for a walk, since the temperature was nice. Andie and Davis rode in the wagon. Good thing this wagon is meant for off roading, do you see the snow on those wheels?

Andrew and I even get in on the pictures.

Lakeside view: what a pretty morning!

It started to snow, Davis and I caught flakes with our tongues. 

 Later on that day, the sun was out and the temperature was in the forties. Everyone loved being outside!

Somebody is going to miss Sophie.