Sunday, February 22, 2015

3 years and 6 months old

Davis is turning into such a big boy. He loves playing with his sister and making her smile. 

Our baby girl is 6 months old. Isn't she such a doll?

February 22, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy birthday Davis!

Birthday morning with Davis… He loved listening to people sing happy birthday to him. Look at the tool shaped pancakes his dad made him! WOW!

Future Iowa Wrestling Star! Look at those muscles! :)

When we took these pictures Davis kept saying "wrestle". He wanted to sleep in the singlet. One tough kid!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Davis turns three!

February 15, 2015
Today we celebrated Davis's third birthday! We are thankful to have such good friends and family to celebrate with. Davis had a good day and is currently sleeping at 6:00 PM! 
Andie and Cadence smile for the camera. She sure loves to play with the babies. Davis and his Cousin Scarlett. They don't look anything alike...

Gavin, Harleigh, AJ and others watch Davis pick one candle at a time to blow out. He did a good job, no spitting while blowing! Thanks to our friend Stefanie who made this incredible Dusty Crophopper cake for us!

Kids eating lots of cake and ice cream. Scarlett, Gavin, Davis, Harleigh & AJ. YUM-O!

Uncle Derek feeding Miss Andie! He's a natural! 
Jaime, Holden & Andie hanging out by the fire. Nice and toasty!