Grandpa Steve, Grandma Sheila, Uncle Seth, and our family went to see some lights one night he was on call. They were SO pretty!
Our Holiday Season certainly was merry and bright! It was also busy! December 20th all the Westendorf Family gathered together to celebrate Christmas and play. We started the day out getting family pictures. Who knew we cleaned up so well? The first picture is of the whole family- added two more babies in 2014! The next picture shows Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Norma with all the grand kids. Third, is the three older boys. These guys sure know how to have a good time together- AJ, Gavin & Davis.
After pictures we went out to the Westendorf Farm- opened presents, ate food, and played some more! We actually had all three boys laying together for a slumber party, but I wasn't awake late enough to get a picture of all three in the bed together. :)
December 21st- I turned 30. My family surprised me by taking me out to eat Friday night. Looking back at my twenties I realize a lot was accomplished- graduated college, started career, got married, bought a house, graduated with masters, had two babies... The list goes on and on. Hope to spend the next years enjoying all these blessings!
December 23, 2014 We headed to STA for a quick gathering. Uncle Sawyer asked Aunt Chelle to marry him!!!!!! What a surprise! We are very excited for these two!
December 24, 2014 Christmas Eve
Take a deep breath because our fun is has just begun! Davis and Andie needed a quick nap before church.
As always, our church had a beautiful service. Davis was excited to help out with the candles this year.
December 25th, Christmas Day
Santa came! Davis's excitement sure made the season fun!
Christmas evening we hung out at a hotel with Uncle Seth. Some of us even went swimming with the oldest three kids. Davis and Scarlett always have to be right next to each other.
December 26, 2014- opened presents at the Schulz Farm. Complete craziness! :)
Finally, time for us to play with our new toys. (You might notice Davis in the same clothes over these days... his new Batman pajamas are a favorite.)
Reading a new book together. Batman, practicing his skills.
New train table and train set. It is fun listening to him play with this. Andie and Davis in their new farming gear.
New Batman pajamas with a cape! Playing with playdough.
Look who is starting to eat cereal! What a big girl, she can roll over!
Finally, painting a masterpiece on New Year's Eve! Lots of family time in the last two weeks. We feel very blessed!