Friday, December 12, 2014

The Merriest Time of the Year...

As we all know December is a very busy time of year. We are thankful for Grandparents who spend time with our kids to make it a memorable time.  I have been sick for a couple of weeks and haven't been able to cart Davis around to do fun Holiday stuff.  Here are some of the fun things he has done…
Davis helped Grandpa Kevin cut down a real Christmas tree for their house at the farm.
December 5, 2014

We missed the Schulz family baking day so Grandma Sheila brought some cookies over for Davis to frost and sprinkle. Grandpa Steve and Davis LOVED this treat!

December 7, 2014

Davis and Andie pose by the fireplace and their stockings. They are getting SO big!
December 7, 2014

Christmas on Main in Waverly- Grandpa and Grandma Westendorf took Davis to this fun event. He was SO excited and told me he got to see Elsa and Ana. Ana is his girl friend and she knows this too! ;)  He saw Santa and reindeer! Grandpa and him had hot cocoa and cookies also! Maybe this is why he slept so hard last night.
December 11, 2014

Thank you Grandpas and Grandmas for spending time with the kids! It means so much to us!!!!