Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Carving Pumpkins

Wow, that's one big pumpkin!

Aunt Chelle and Davis getting the goey stuff out. :)
Davis holding the picture for Uncle Sawyer.

Davis and Andie- our two little pumpkins

Thanks Uncle Sawyer and Aunt Chelle for the memories!
Andie's (Chelle's) pumpkin was an owl this year and Davis's (Sawyer's) pumpkin was a werewolf.

Justin and Amy's Wedding

Schulz Cousins with Grandpa and Grandma- 
Justin, Cody, Jayden, Seth, Jamie, Kaity, Hannah, Steph & Sawyer

Steph and Dad (Grandpa Steve)

Aunt Missy and Uncle Seth- looking good!

Can't get enough of Andie- Grandpa Steve and Aunt Chelle!

Aunt Missy and Andie looking fancy in their black and white dresses.
Grandma Sheila getting some Andie time.

Look at these two good looking guys!

The Westendorf Family- Andrew, Stephanie, Davis & Andie

October 4, 2014