Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Last Weekend of Maternity Leave

The Otter Creek Orchard is open and we got to pick Honey Crisp Apples! Two big boxes for us (Davis didn't want to stop picking them).
September 27, 2014

Little Miss Andie- isn't she getting so big?

We made and frosted Halloween sugar cookies. Oops, Davis you aren't supposed to lick the frosting off your fingers. ;)

Uncle Seth played with Davis this weekend. They listened to The Ugly Duckling on tape.

Davis has two kittens (thanks to the Even family). They may look like cuddle bugs, but they are mice killers. ;) Davis named them Chug and Dotty after the movie Planes.  He loves to play with them and wants them to follow him all over the place.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Football and Family

Aunt Chelle came to visit us. Andie seems to like her as much as Davis does.

Sunday is football day... Grandpa Kevin, Andie, Davis & Daddy are playing around after the Packers won.

Thanks Grandma Sheila for the adorable leggings!

Two good looking Packer fans!

After the game it is time to wrestle!

Grandma Norma holding Andie with the blanket Aunt Erica made her.
September 14, 2014

Davis playing with Andie. What a nice big brother.
September 10, 2014

Are you ready for some football?
September 4, 2014