Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Andrew with Davis and Gavin on the ranger. The little boys were squealing as Andrew drove them around.

Look at the three of them play so nicely together- AJ, Davis and Gavin.

Cheesy grin from Mr. D in his new Iowa Hawkeyes hats.

Uncle Seth and Davis driving the pontoon. Wish somebody hadn't mentioned there is a horn on this darn thing.

Ending our long weekend with a popsicle on the patio. 
May 24-26

Monday, May 19, 2014

Davis and Scarlett

When we got back from our trip to Minnesota Scarlett was back in Iowa! These two are so good together!
Not sure who is having more fun... the two kids in the tub or grandma watching them. :)

Hannah had ice cream at her graduation. YUMMY!

Scarlett's first ride in a tractor... she was a little nervous. Davis jumped up to "his" seat and patted his leg for Scarlett to sit down on his lap. He held onto her for a round to make her feel safe. Melts my heart!
May 18, 2014

Quick Trip to Lake Superior

Andrew, Davis and I took a trip up to The Superior Hiking Trail for Andrew's 50K this weekend. It was nice to get away for one night and spend time together without the daily things that need to get done at home.

We stopped in Duluth for lunch. Davis wanted to stretch out his legs a little longer so we walked along Lake Superior. There was definitely ice out there (and a big boat)!
I love this picture of Davis and Andrew. He sure does love his daddy!

The hotel had a playground we got to play on. Davis doesn't mind the cold temps as much as his mommy does!

When we woke up Saturday morning the temp was 32 degrees! BRRR! Davis had to give Andrew a good luck kiss and hug before he headed off on the trail.

When we waited for Andrew at the aid stations my sidekick played in the gravel scooping dirt with his toys. He certainly made the time go by fast.

Chicks in the kindergarten rooms!

Mrs. Cheeseman let Davis come visit after school, so we could see (and hold) the baby chickens! He wasn't scared at all and stuck his hand right in to pet the little birds.
May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

Happy Mother's Day! Wow, look at all these amazing plants we can put in our retaining wall!  Why aren't they in the ground yet?  I hope Davis and Andrew are a big help with the planting.

Watch out ladies... he's good looking and a sweet boy! He made me a Mother's Day flower pot filled with beautiful flowers! 

These two boys are quite the pair. They look and act alike- how did I get so lucky?
May 11, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Busy, busy boy

This past week I found some activities to do with Davis and he absolutely LOVED them.  One day, we sorted ice cubes out of a bucket of water with a slotted spoon.

Another day we poured rice into a small jar. I'm not sure if he loved this or the fact that Belle would eat the fallen pieces. :)

 On Saturday we visited "Uncle Derek" and Davis drove his truck. He found some safety glasses to put on while driving around.  ;)  This boy would sit in a truck for hours if we let him. 

We also got to go visit Princess Hannah before prom. I told Davis we were visiting a princess like in the movie Frozen.  He kept saying OOOOOO in the car because he was excited to see her.  Unfortunately, he fell asleep before we got there.  Had to take a picture with him sleeping so he understands that we did go see the princess. :)  She looked ABSOLUTELY beautiful!

May 3, 2014