Monday, March 31, 2014

Busy weekend, nice weather

Davis insisted on playing in the dog kennel with Belle.  He was a noisy little puppy.
March 29, 2014

Popsicles with Dad! 
March 30, 2014

Andrew built this amazing bed for Davis. This was one of the projects I found off Pinterest, and it turned out great! I'm not quite finished with the crates and Andrew has a little more trim to do but our big boy slept in his new bed all by himself last night!  :)

March 30, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Our Own Kind of March Madness

Bubbles in the house? Thanks Grandma Sheila for the bubbles!  I guess if it isn't nice outside we can bring the fun indoors.

Davis decided the Nutella was so good he should lick out the cup.  This is the end result.  :)

Uncle Seth and Davis watching some wrestling on tv.  This looks like serious business!
March 21, 2014

I got to spend my last weekend with these two goofs.  Scarlett and Davis sure make hanging out lots of fun!
March 21, 2014

Family Fun Night at Denver Elementary
Davis LOVED this slide and did not want the fun to end... ever. 
March 20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This is Love

March 17, 2014
Davis didn't want Belle to get pinched on St. Patty's Day, so he put green beads on her.  She wore them around the house for at least an hour until she figured out how to get them off.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Melting Snow!!!

Davis and I enjoyed some 50 degree weather after school today. He loved splashing in the puddles and getting dirty.  It was so nice to be outside again!

Once we got dry clothes on we played with mom's camera... 
These are some of the noises he makes and his favorite song to sing.
March 10, 2014

Fun on the farm...

We actually got to ride the snowmobile! Davis loved riding in the sled and giggled at Grandpa and Grandma as they zoomed around us on the other snowmobile. Thanks for the ride!
March 8, 2014

Davis and Grandma Norma playing with his new camping book. At least his dad will have a camping buddy in a couple of years. :)
March 7, 2014

Grandpa Kevin and Davis opening up birthday presents.
March 7, 2014

Davis is loving the beads Grandpa and Grandma brought from New Orleans.
March 8, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Long Winter

The days are getting longer and we hear the birds chirping outside... just waiting on the weather to start to get warmer. This has been a long, COLD winter.  We had to get creative in February on how to stay busy and forget about the nasty temps outside.
Fell asleep watching Cars with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz.

Made silly Aunt Erica faces. (We have a picture of Erica sticking her tongue out, so Davis thinks this is how she looks.)

Colored and used our stickers from Uncle Seth and Aunt Missy.

Eat ice cream at... Great Grandpa and Grandma Schulz's house. (I'm sure everyone could have guessed where this was taken.)  :)

Ate green eggs for Dr. Seuss's birthday (we had turkey at home, not ham).  Thanks Daddy for making such good stuff!

Chilled out by the heater (yes even Belle is ready for warmer weather).

Brrr! It's Cold Outside!

It doesn't seem to matter to Davis how cold it is outside, he wants to follow his Daddy everywhere.  One weekend in February (when the wind chill was warmer than -20) he got to help push snow.
He likes to wear his Carhart bibs outside just like his Daddy does. Thanks Aunt Amanda and Uncle Shannon.  He officially looks like a farm boy!