Thursday, January 30, 2014

Random January Fun

You will notice none of the pictures were taken outside because it is very cold here in Iowa!  

Davis helped me make some chocolate cookies during our snow day Monday. I had to almost force him to try it, but once he did he LOVED licking it!

We had to send Davis away to Grandpa and Grandma Schulz's house so daddy could get some real work done.  

We were so lucky to have these two trouble makers together a couple of weekends ago.  They had so much fun running around in diapers.

She may be small but this little girl can handle playing with a tough boy.  

If Davis ever gets a little brother or sister someday we will have to watch him VERY closely.  I think he is a little rough.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Westendorf Christmas

AJ, Gavin, and Davis handing out presents.

Wow, look at him passing out the presents.  He is getting so big.  Good thing there are two boys to teach him how to act.

TImberwolves Game

Uncle Scott invited us to join them for the Timberwolves game.  We had great seats and yummy food!  Thanks Uncle Scott!

Davis chowing down some chicken strips.

AJ, Andrew, Davis and Gavin watching the pregame show.

Christmas Eve

Playing with his new tractor and wagon while Great Grandpa Gerold observes the process.

Davis and his buddy Adi goofing around at Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's house.

Doesn't our family look so much better with that good looking boy in the middle?  He is getting so big!