Thursday, June 27, 2013

Latta/Brunsen Wedding

Davis and his dad chilling by the dance floor checking out the cool lights.

The beautiful bride and her mom were some of the greatest influences on the beginning of my teaching career.  They both are type A people and understand me better than most.  

We had to get a quick family picture before Davis decided to bust a move out on the dance floor.
June 21, 2013

Father's Day

On Father's Day Andrew wanted to go to the Mississippi River with Kevin and Norma.  We all enjoyed our first taste of some summer sun.  
June 16, 2013

Of course Davis wanted to help Grandpa drive the boat.  He loves anything with a motor and a steering wheel!

Davis was such a good sport wearing his life jacket on the boat.  He sure loves hanging out with his Daddy!

We forgot to bring Davis's sunglasses so he kept busy playing with mine.  


Davis and I went to Grandma Norma's house to help her garden. We have two tomato plants that we planted in her garden for us to use this winter.

Davis loves all the tools grandma has, but he hasn't figured out where he can step in the garden.  Grandma decided to take him for a walk while I weeded a section.
June 13, 2013

Davis helped me plant herbs in a big pot.  I think he is wondering why my garden is so small compared to Grandma Norma's.  :)  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our Little Monkey

These two pictures go hand in hand because he's really starting to act like our little monkey- climbing and eating bananas.
Davis was ready for us to start his night routine, so he took matters into his own hands (climbed up on the rocking chair and started reading a book).

He has always loved bananas, but thanks to Aunt Bie was started feeding him like a little adult.  He's growing up so fast!
June 2, 2013


Andrew has been waiting for this moment ever since Davis was born.  He is currently working on Davis's balance so Davis can ride a bike better than his mom.   
June 11, 2013