Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wagon Ride in the Snow

We weren't sure if Davis was enjoying his time in the red wagon until I tried to take him out.  Apparently, he is going to be like his Dad and want to be outside all the time.  
February 24, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today I am One!

Happy 1st birthday to Davis!  We quick celebrate before mom has to go to work. 

Wow what a spitting image of his daddy.  These two are going to be trouble!

Somebody has gotten so big!  

Davis is sad all the fun is about to be over with.  We got to celebrate with friends and family, so tonight it is just the three of us.

Yummy!  Davis can't pick a favorite.  Hopefully he still likes his veggies after a couple days of sugar!
February 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to Davis!

Saturday we were lucky enough to have lots of family and friends come visit for Davis's 1st birthday party!  Davis got to eat cake and ice cream for the first time (as far as his mother knows anyway).  

The Birthday Cake cupcake made by Sweet Tooth was AMAZING!

Davis's silly mother didn't have any pictures with Davis and Uncle Shannon.  Here the two goof balls are right now!
February 16, 2013

Talkie, talk, talk

Wow, Davis's Valentine sure has a lot to say.  I think he looks like his Grandpa Steven.  
February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Video

Oh no!!! Sounds like he's a talker just like his mommy!  Poor daddy, there are two blabbering in the house now!

Having Fun Around the House

Playing with play dough!   
February 12, 2013

Uncle Seth giving Davis all his contacts.
February 10, 2013

Davis wearing his lumberjack shirt.  Doesn't he look just like his daddy?  
February 9, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Davis and Belle

Now that Davis has started feeding Belle she has decided that maybe the new addition to the family isn't so bad.  She doesn't leave his side very often, just in case there is some food to clean up for us.

Playing Around

Davis loves to play with his giant friend- Mr. Bear.  He wrestles him, snuggles with him and gives him hugs.  
January 30, 2013

He knows that he shouldn't have the stereo remote but it is SO much fun to play with!
February 2, 2013

Davis walking Andrew to the rocking chair so his dad can feed him a bottle.  Andrew isn't walking fast enough for Davis.  
February 2, 2013