Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Schulz Christmas Fun

Wow! Davis does look like his daddy! 

Scarlett, Stephanie, Amanda, and Davis hanging out in the shop.

Grandpa Steven and Davis waiting patiently to open some presents!  Somebody looks tired!

Radio Flyer

Davis' new red wagon even has big tires for gravel travel!  Not sure who was more excited about that dad or grandpa.  Gavin holding onto Davis as Andrew gives them a little ride.

The Batmobile!

Not sure who loves the toy more Davis or Gavin. 
No more pictures, time to save the world!  Vroom, vroom!


December 15th- This is why my parents keep the stairs blocked off at home! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Daivs and Hendrick

Davis and his friend Hendrick.  Someday the two of them are going to give their mothers grey hair!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

"O Christmas Tree"

We have so much to be thankful for this Christmas!  
Belle, Davis, and Daddy sitting in front of the Christmas tree, listening to some Christmas tunes.

Big smiles and lots of hugs from Davis to his Mommy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Davis had a lot to be thankful over his Thanksgiving break.  He got to ride on the horse.

He got to play with his Cousin Scarlett and his Uncle Sawyer.  His cousin Scarlett kept him busy as he watched her run around, bounce and do her squats.  Davis can't do that yet but they both have two bottom teeth to show everyone!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Davis and Uncle Sawyer

My parents have warned me about you Uncle Sawyer!

Dancing Machine

The good news is he doesn't dance like his Uncle Seth.  The bad news is he dances like his mom.  Poor kid doesn't have a chance!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Discoveries in the Kitchen

Who needs toys when you have a drawer full of tupperware?  Davis' favorite thing to do lately.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Food, food, food

Davis is now eating a variety of food. He tried monkey food (bananas) as Gpa Steven calls it.  He ate spaghetti and french toast, both are his mommy's favorites!  He loves Gma Norma's homemade applesauce and can't get enough green beans.  It's safe to say Belle loves this stage because there is a mess when Davis gets done eating.  This is a fun stage to experience with Davis!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bath AND Shower?

Davis getting used to the water falling down on him.  He thinks it feels funny on his belly.

Visit to Gpa Jack and Gma Dorothy's

We didn't do much trick or treating but we did get to see some special people on Halloween.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Grrr! Says the Cow

Davis crawling around in his cow costume at big Gma Westendorf's house.  Haven't quite figured out how to say moo so Davis says, "Grrr!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Davis likes to make this new noise.  We aren't sure if it is a tractor noise or a growling noise; he uses it in both context.  We caught him using it to scare Uncle Sawyer!

Davis has found a new sound to make.  We aren't sure if it is a tractor noise or a growl.  He uses the same noise in both context.  He even uses it to scare his Uncle Sawyer.


Davis has started to stick his tongue out when he is concentrating.  He looks like his Great-Grandpa Gerold when he does this.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sliding Glass Doors

October 7, 2012
Davis has discovered the sliding glass doors upstairs. He likes the baby he sees there.  He also likes the cold feeling from the glass.

Fall Colors

Trying to enjoy the colors of Fall before we get rain and all the leaves fall off.  Davis loves being outside; we just have to teach him not to eat the leaves.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Week of many firsts

When they say he is in the "discovery stage" they aren't kidding.  It has been a week of many firsts.  Monday morning he stood in his crib for the very first time.  Monday night he crawled forward.  Wednesday he finished up all the fruits and veggies so we started making combos.  Lets just say, he isn't a picky eater.  :)  Thursday night during bath time he started splashing.  Who knew a little boy could change so much in one week?  I'm blaming cousin Scarlett for showing him what it looks like when babies stand and crawl.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

We have a crawler!

October 2nd
We have a crawler!  He started going forward on Monday.  Tuesday he got into some stuff- guess I'll be baby proofing the house this weekend.  :)

Scarlett and Davis

September 29th
She is just a little faster than Davis.

Davis and Scarlett

September 29th
Davis playing with his cousin Scarlett.  You just wait Scarlett, one day he will be big enough to do this to you.  :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mr. Giggles
His dad is good at getting him to laugh.
September 24, 2012